Can you help me?
“I lost my hand. It was eaten by a dog. A tragic memory. I haven’t had it in forever. I traded her for drugs. I lost a stupid bet in primary school. I had a car accident when I was studying at ballet school. At the hospital they said I was going to be deaf and blind. I almost died of COVID. I am a motivational speaker.
What disability story do you want to hear today?”
The producer, performer and activist Filip Pawlak works with these questions within a larger research on disability that he is conducting in various formats and venues Filip Pawlak juxtaposes these topics with the experience of the LBGTQ+ community and links the two groups using references to important identity events – the AIDS epidemic and the COVID epidemic.
He’s also reflecting it on his own biography and personal struggles with identities.
Research is conducted thanks to funding from the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage under the “Młoda Polska/Young Poland” scholarship programme.
Developed during artistic residences in:
- Warehouse9 (DK)
- Hellerau – European Center for Arts (DE)
- Komuna/Warszawa (PL)
- Skånes Dansteater (SE)
and studies at Malmö Theatre Academy (SE).
Co-creators of project:
- Dramaturgy: Szymon Adamczak
- Music: Marcel Pieczonka
- Script consulting: Wojciech Szot
- Art design consulting: Nadia Markiewicz
- Polish sign language consultant: Daniel Kotowski